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Manica Nawaz
Master's Student
Manica Nawaz is an MS candidate in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Brooklyn College. Her master's thesis focuses on marine invertebrate paleontology, specifically concretions and how they can enrich our understanding of the late-glacial to post-glacial history of the New York Bight. Manica has various lab experience within the vertebrate and invertebrate paleontological communities.

Published Abstracts and Conference Presentations
Nawaz, M., Chamberlain, Jr., J. 2022. Holocene concretions from the New York Bight. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 54, No. 3.
Nawaz, M., Chamberlain, Jr., J. 2022. Age and origin of New York Bight concretions. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 54, No. 5.
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